How to Compost in an Apartment

People’s Food Co-op was recently featured in a Redfin article about composting in an apartment.

Jamie Forbes weaves together tips from many other like-minded businesses, including The Worm Farm Portland, Co-opportunity Market of LA, and Make Food Not Waste of Detroit. The article is rich with tips from worm composting to avoiding unwanted smells. 

At People’s, we recommend re-using your containers and shopping in bulk departments to minimize your general waste. With this strategy, the compost bin will become one of your most important waste receptacles. In order to eliminate food waste, we like to consider what waste can be used before it ends up in the compost bin. For example, we set aside carrot tops for employees with rabbits (there are quite a few!), coffee grounds for gardeners, and overly ripened produce for folks making smoothies or sauces. As you examine what you are throwing into your compost bin, ask yourself if any of these ingredients can still be consumed; they might even make your recipes better!

Next time you are in the Co-op be sure to check out our discounted produce section! Slightly damaged and bruised produce are heavily discounted, as we believe they are still valuable in dishes! We also have a section specifically for juicing apples which are also heavily discounted.

For additional discounts don’t forget to apply your Double Up Food Bucks or Food For All!

See the article we were featured in!

Clean and Green: Here's How to Compost in an Apartment