Free Food Resources in Portland

For the past several years, People’s Food Co-op has organized a free food resource in November or December for our community, known as Bounty Baskets or the People’s Food Pantry (or even longer ago, Thanksgiving Baskets). Thanks to our generous vendors, we have been able to provide this important resource to our community year after year.

This year, however, the pandemic has limited our ability to do so many things, like organizing and hosting events.

Due to the lack of space, time, and staff capacity, we are unfortunately unable to offer the People’s Food Pantry this year.

We understand that this has been an important resource for so many people in our community, and we will plan on continuing to host the People’s Food Pantry in the future.

Here is a list of other free food resources the Portland area has to offer:

Oregon Food Bank Food Finder

Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Near the Co-op!

Urban Gleaners Food Distribution Sites

Other Food Access Resources from Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon

PDX Free Fridge Locations